Plate K of Arthropedia: An Illustrated Alphabet of Invertebrates features 82 individual insects of 62 different species, from beetles and bugs to bees, wasps and butterflies with all sorts in between – sawflies, grasshoppers and crickets, micro and macro moths, and flies.
What’s on Kaleidoscope?
Use the numbered picture and list of species below to find out exactly what’s on the plate.

Insect Type | Name |
Bug | 1. Corizus hyoscyami (x4) |
Beetle | 2. Cryptocephalus sp (x2) |
Moth | 3. Anania funebris (x2) |
Butterfly | 4. Chequered Skipper Carterocephalus palaemon (x2) |
Beetle | 5. Two-banded Longhorn Beetle Rhagium bifasciatum (x4) |
Fly | 6. Banded General Stratiomys potamida (x4) |
Bug | 7. Crucifer Shieldbug Eurydema oleracea (x1) |
Bug | 8. Knobbed Shieldbug Podops inuncta (x1) |
Bug | 9. Leptopterna dolabrata (x4) |
Beetle | 10. Copper Peacock Elaphrus cupreus (x1) |
Beetle | 11. Badister bullatus (x1) |
Beetle | 12. Cramp-ball Fungus Weevil Platyrhinus resinosus (x1) |
Beetle | 13. Skullcap Leaf Beetle Phyllobrotica quadrimaculata (x1) |
Bug | 14. Pantilius tunicatus (x2) |
Dragonfly | 15. Four-spot Chaser (form praenubila) Libellula quadrimaculata form praenubila(x1) |
Dragonfly | 16. Four-spot Chaser Libellula quadrimaculata (x1) |
Grasshopper | 17. Common Green Grasshopper Omocestus viridulus (x1) |
Grasshopper | 18. Mottled Grasshopper Myrmeleotettix maculatus (x1) |
Bush-cricket | 19. Bog Bush-cricket Metrioptera brachyptera (x1) |
Bush-cricket | 20. Roesel’s Bush-cricket Metrioptera roeselii (x1) |
Butterfly | 21. Glanville Fritillary Melitaea cinxia (x1) |
Butterfly | 22. Scotch Argus Erebia aethiops (x1) |
Butterfly | 23. Wall Brown Lasiommata megera (x1) |
Butterfly | 24. Marsh Fritillary Euphydryas aurinia (x1) |
Butterfly | 25. Silver-studded Blue Plebejus argus (x1) |
Hoverfly | 26. Dasysyrphus albostriatus (x1) |
Butterfly | 27. Green Hairstreak Callophrys rubi (x1) |
Butterfly | 28. Holly Blue Celastrina argiolus (x1) |
Hoverfly | 29. Sericomyia lappona (x1) |
Butterfly | 30. White-letter Hairstreak Satyrium w-album (x1) |
Beetle | 31. Sphaeridium scarabaeoides (x1) |
Beetle | 32. Aphodius obliteratus (x1) |
Beetle | 33. Eyed Ladybird Anatis ocellata (x1) |
Beetle | 34. Water Ladybird Anisosticta novemdecimpunctata (x1) |
Beetle | 35. 16-spot Ladybird Tytthaspis sedecimpunctata (x1) |
Beetle | 36. 24-spot Ladybird Subcoccinella vigintiquattuorpunctata (x1) |
Beetle | 37. Onthophagus similis (x1) |
Beetle | 38. Aphodius fimetarius (x1) |
Moth | 39. Olethreutes arcuella (x1) |
Sawfly | 40. Figwort Sawfly Tenthredo scrophulariae (x1) |
Moth | 41.Nemophora fasciella (x1) |
Bug | 42. Rhombic Leatherbug Syromastus rhombeus (x1) |
Bug | 43. Grypocoris stysi (x1) |
Fly | 44. Dune Villa Villa modesta (x1) |
Bug | 45. Harpocera thoracica (x1) |
Bug | 46. Fallen’s Leatherbug Arenocoris falleni (x1) |
Moth | 47. Merveille du Jour Griposia aprilina (x1) |
Wasp | 48. Diphyus quadripunctorius (x1) |
Moth | 49. Angle Shades Phlogophora meticulosa (x1) |
Moth | 50. Marbled Beauty Bryophila domestica (x1) |
Wasp | 51. Ichneumon stramentor (x1) |
Moth | 52. Peach Blossom Thyatira batis (x1) |
Bug | 53. Denticulate Leatherbug Coriomeris denticulatus (x1) |
Bug | 54. Calocoris roseomaculatus (x1) |
Fly | 55. Phasia hemiptera (x1) |
Bug | 56. Rhabdomiris striatellus (x1) |
Bug | 57. Dock Bug Coreus marginatus (x1) |
Moth | 58. Esperia sulphurella (x1) |
Sawfly | 59. Alder Sawfly Eriocampa ovata (x1) |
Moth | 60. Agapeta zoegana (x1) |
Beetle | 61. Sulphur Beetle Cteniopus sulphureus (x4) |
Bee | 62. Silvery Leafcutter Bee Megachile leachella (x1) |
Bee | 63. Coelioxys conoidea (x1) |