I have put together this photo gallery of the aphid species I’ve found as a companion piece to my previous Blog ‘A is for Aphids’ (https://arthropedia.co.uk/a-is-for-aphids/). More species will be added as I find them. It is arranged by host plant, with tree species listed first. Note that while many species of aphid are host specific, others will feed on a variety of plants. The complex life cycle of aphids means that different forms can be found at different times of the year with some species producing winged individuals known as alates. Some species only produce females and reproduce parthenogenically. A colony of aphids will often have a mixture of adults and nymphs and sometimes have more than one species present.
I find a lot of different aphids in my local cemetery where a wide variety of both native and non-native trees have been planted. In abundant aphid years I often find lots of them on gravestones under trees, especially after rain or windy weather has knocked them off the foliage. Then the gravestones provide perfect hunting grounds for aphid predators like ladybirds and lacewing larvae.
Aphids on Conifers
Eulachnus rileyi on a gravestone under Pine trees. Earlham Cemetery, Norwich.
Cinara cuneomaculata on Larch (Larix sp). Earlham Cemetery, Norwich.
Cinara confinis found under Abies sp. Earlham Cemetery, Norwich. This is a large and distinctive species.
Scots Pine Aphid Cinara pini. Earlham Cemetery, Norwich.
Aphids on Oaks Quercus sp
Lachnus roboris on Oak. Earlham Cemetery, Norwich.
Lachnus roboris winged adults or alates on Oak.
Aphids on Alder Alnus sp
Crypturaphis grassii on Italian Alder (Alnus cordata). Anderson’s Meadow, Norwich.
Aphids on Beech Fagus sylvatica
Woolly Beech Aphid Phyllaphis fagi on the underside of Beech leaf. Earlham Cemetery, Norwich.
Aphids on Birch Betula sp
Euceraphis betulae on Silver Birch (Betula pendula), with a leafhopper sp. Earlham Cemetery, Norwich.
Symydobius oblongus on Silver Birch, attended by ants. Earlham Cemetery, Norwich.
Callipterinella tuberculata on Silver Birch. Earlham Cemetery, Norwich.
Aphids on Elder Sambucus nigra
Aphis sambuci on Elder attended by ants. Norfolk.
Aphids on Elm Ulmus sp
The spectacular gall of Tetraneura ulmi on Elm sp. Earlham Cemetery, Norwich.
Tinocallis takachihoensis on underside of Elm leaf, with Zigzag Elm Sawfly. Earlham Cemetery, Norwich.
Aphids on Field Maple Acer campestre
Periphyllus testudinaceus on underside of Field Maple leaf; newly moulted winged alates with their shed skins. Eaton Park, Norwich.
Aphids on Lime Tilia sp
Eucallipterus tiliae Lime Aphid, a rather attractive species. Earlham Cemetery, Norwich.
Aphids on Poplars Populus sp
Several aphids found on poplars are gall formers so should be easy to find. To read more about Pemphigus spirothecae and Native Black Poplars see https://arthropedia.co.uk/mallota-cimbiciformis/
Young galls of Pemphigus spirothecae on Native Black Poplar (Populus nigra ssp. betulifolia) in early July. Earlham Cemetery, Norwich.
Pemphigus spyrothecae inside gall on Native Black Poplar leaf petiole, late September.
Aphids on Spindle Euonymus europaeus
Aphis evonymi Euonymus Aphid with hoverfly larva on underside of Spindle leaf. Earlham Cemetery, Norwich.
Aphids on Sycamore Acer pseudoplatanus
Drepanosiphum platanoidis on Sycamore. Earlham Cemetery, Norwich.
Aphids on Walnut Juglans regia
There are two species of aphid found on Walnut in Britain.
Panaphis juglandis Large Walnut Aphid adult alate. These are usually found on the upper surface of the leaf but this one was scurrying away from the camera and went underneath. Eaton Park, Norwich.
Large Walnut Aphid nymphs tended by ants on upper surface of Walnut leaf. Eaton Park, Norwich.
Chromaphis juglandicola Small Walnut Aphid on underside of Walnut leaf. Eaton Park, Norwich.
Aphids on Willows Salix sp
Several species can be found on willows including some of our largest species which often form dense clusters.
Pterocomma salicis Black Willow Bark Aphid on Willow sp. Postwick, Norfolk.
Giant Willow Aphid Tuberolachnus salignus. On Willows by River Wensum in Norwich.
Plocamaphis flocculosa Large Waxy Willow Aphid. On Willows by River Wensum in Norwich.
Aphids on Mallow Malva sylvestris
Umbrella Aphid Aphis umbrella on the underside of Common Mallow leaf. Look under curled Mallow leaves to find these. Pavement plant, Norwich.
Aphids on Marsh Marigold Caltha palustris
Rhopalosiphoninus calthae on the underside of Marsh Marigold leaf. They are often found in dense clusters. The white object at the bottom of the photo is a hoverfly egg. Garden, Norwich.
Aphids on Tansy Tanacetum vulgare
Three species of aphid occur specifically on Tansy. I have found two of them.
Metopeurum fuscoviride Pink Tansy Aphid, one of three species to occur on this plant. Allotment plot, Norwich.